Al-Muiz Khalifa Sebair
Despite all the fear and panic the world is witnessing, due to the human and human losses it incurs, we note that through the process of preventive quarantine and staying in homes these days, it has, the world, demonstrated the many faults that afflicted societies and families in its various parts. Perhaps it is then a corrective period and a period of self-revision and conscience as well.
No one doubts that a short time ago the world was floundering in a dire situation similar to the widespread collapse of its moral system in various fields! Mankind did not reach this degraded level in its moral system before, and perhaps over many eras, but even before the Islamic conquests and in the days of pre-Islamic times we were hearing about benign morals that have remained entrenched through many eras despite the blatant violations of society regarding individual behavior or collective or prevailing social systems. We used to hear, for example, about the extent to which the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era clung to the principles of the impurity of perfection, generosity, the fulfillment of the promise, the covenant, the suppression of the offer, the protection of the tenant, or the one who sought refuge or the safety of his soul, and so on, even if society at the time was steeped in drunkenness, orgy, etc. Until Islam and the Prophet of mercy, peace and blessings be upon him, came to the best of submission to fulfill the morals, and he purified society from all impurities and strengthened those good values and noble morals that were prevalent at the time and existed and added to them Islamic teachings and all new legislations aimed at refining ethics and preserving the freedom and dignity of the individual and the group. So Islam came with teachings concerning primarily the purity of the individual and his physical cleanliness, first and foremost, which made it easier with him to clean and refine the spirit and the mind together through the teachings of religion and worship in word and deed. With this, Islam spread in various countries because its established principles and the pure Sunnah of its noble Prophet are automatically aligned with human instinct, which always yearns for spiritual and intellectual nourishment and a healthy and protective system through the cleanliness of the body and the refinement of morals. As for hygiene, it was urged by the true religion and separated by an unparalleled detail, such as how to perform ablution before prayer, worship, washing, and complete purity before turning to God, whether at home, the mosque, the wilderness, or at sea.
Unfortunately, the ethics system has been marred by unparalleled imbalances and violations, whether in Islamic societies or others, which negatively affected the lives of individuals, families and children in all parts of the world. Thus we see that this particular time has witnessed remarkably the spread of negative cultures and the spread of mistrust and parting from the true religion and the spread of heresies and deviations and myths and beliefs and the spread of drugs and hallucinogens and various types of “drugs” and the large number of smokers and addicts to drunkenness and orgy, as well as the spread of various types of crime from killing and shedding the blood of the innocent, the “gay” phenomenon that leads to distortions in the faces and bodies of people, the spread of various kinds of theft and pick pocketing from people, the spread of the market mafia that profits from misfortunes and mugging the property of others without right, physical and verbal violence and the spread of profanity, insults and slander which became openly squalled in the streets and in public, rape of all kinds, the large rate of deception, extravagance and heresy in weddings, divorce under trivial pretexts sometimes, flaunting deviation and homosexuality, hugging and kissing within sight of passers-by, and singing obscene songs that offend modesty and pushing films and shameless series in people’s homes to demolish the remaining morals of parents and children as well.
Until not long ago, the “word” had its respect, and newspapers were a means of education where they were not free from literary, intellectual and philosophical points of views, so the social meetings in cafes enriched and refreshed thought not the abdomen, until some newspapers today became a open space for learning tricks of theft, cunning and deception of all kinds, and that many pages of news carry various types of crimes, calamities and sins, and cafes are filled with smokers, street vendors and beggars, a hotbed and a den for drug taking, and a source of noise, after it had been a quiet corner where the individual sought refuge in order to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee, read his newspaper and hear his favorite singer with songs that enhance the beauty of souls, cure depression and enrich the individual’s culture !!!. It is not long ago, when our forefathers and grandfathers, if one of them promised something, he fulfilled his pledge, and if he gave you (as we say) the “word” he kept it. Then trade, sale, purchase and barter were sometimes carried out with only the “word”, as the latter was like a moral covenant and agreed upon custom It is applied in society, and the principle of trust was a custom that almost no one would violate .
Not long ago, too, we had never heard of someone who had killed his “father”, “his mother”, “his wife” or “one of his sons” !!!. We did not hear about crimes such as these, but people became neither afraid of death nor punishment !!!. We did not hear about the various types of shameful rapes , or thefts (even from homes) !!! …
Today, we, in various parts of the world, are trapped in our homes for the safety of our souls and bodies, perhaps in order to review ourselves and correct our moral system, because showing off in obscenity, delinquency, and crime is destined to certain loss as stipulated in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and even in other laws. Perhaps Muslims and the West will also realize in these days the value of caring closely to raising children , as well as restoring warmth to family and marital relationships, and spending a longer time talking to our boys and girls; also, communities will know the value of supplication, maintaining prayers, reviewing mistakes, as well as good management of household expenses, healthy methods of nutrition, the value of physical exercise and inhaling fresh air, as well as exploring the world of natural herbs and their efficacy on individual’s life, and providing an opportunity for some women In order to prepare the most delicious and beautiful meals instead of relying on what restaurants prepare; Likewise, lose neighbors, good morals and deal with the principle of compassion, kindness and humanity. More importantly, the world will inevitably realize strongly that the ethics system has deep reflections on the educational system. There is no good in raising generations in bright ornate schools that lean on an immoral society steeped in crime and various types of drugs, lusts and sins.
communities may realize today, and precisely in this period, that the spread of evil of all kinds, and the large number of congestion and pollution, is really disturbing for all mankind, and even nature, birds, animals and reptiles precisely all species even in the deep sea. Also, the time after this pandemic vanishes, people will undoubtedly realize that many actions can be rectified by the individual solely , so there is no need for constant deadly tension, boredom, congestion on the roads, large number of cars and crowding over means of transportation and communications means, especially for the mother who is supposed to be the first school for the children, as she does her work from inside her home with all professionalism (Despite the allurement of promotions and incentives promised by the employer ) may give her the opportunity to raise her children by herself properly and soundly, away from all kinds of tension Instead of wasting money on nannies in nurseries, and it will give her the opportunity to take care of her home, her husband and herself first and foremost.
As a summary of this topic, it can be said that this difficult period for all communities, and despite all its psychological, social, economic and even political repercussions, is also an opportunity to review oneself and adopt constructive and sound self-criticism to correct the behavior of community and reconsider the moral system as well as the educational system in order to prepare the righteous individual for his own sake, his family, his homeland, and for humanity as a whole, as well as reviewing priorities, reviewing how to spend public money, setting mechanisms for monitoring and accountability in a transparent manner, and reconsidering assigning tasks and responsibilities to those who deserve it, and those who meet the specifications and competence in high proportions , improving health facilities and carrying capacity and equipment needed by hospitals, laboratories, schools, rehabilitation of scientific research and support the maximum effort and money, re-consideration of the field of scientific research and support it with the utmost effort and money, as this pandemic confirmed this importance and the importance of the biology and laboratory methodology. Moreover, these transient conditions have shown that the budget spent on the health sector must be reconsidered as well as the number of hospitals, clinics and laboratories, as the blatant deficits appeared even in developed countries that did not pay great attention to this matter. Finally the concerted efforts, cooperation and solidarity between peoples and states must peacefully keep a long to reject wars together with seditions against the dangers of environmental pollution , global warming and manufacture of deadly weapons and bombs and expanded to maintain global momentum that contain all continents because they have a real impact on the global health.
All this should be read in parallel with the nino pattern ,global warming , forest fires, floods, droughts or entrapment of rain in various countries, or in the destruction of an entire country by conflicts or warm, by all of us, muslims and others, and should ask ourselves: What made this pandemic spread all over the world and with such speed as a wildfire? Doesn’t this require a review of human behavior and a review of the ethical and educational system? What have countries prepared for their people for health? Is it reasonable for Muslim countries and others to pump numerous sums into art, entertainment and sports at the expense of health and education? !!! .. Is it not among the reasons for these catastrophes perhaps it is what our hands have earned? !!! … In contrast, all of this may be fuel and a reason to sharpen peoples ’and states’ drive to review human behavior and the educational and ethical system, and to restore consideration to the facilities that pertain to the health sector, and to restore consideration to schools, universities and civil and military installations of the state, in order to prepare sufficient numbers of doctors, nurses and engineers, and that the state restore its prestige in development in all areas that concern the citizen in his livelihood, rather than adoption of the private sector and canned educational systems which do not help hunger in times of prosperity and times of distress.
Perhaps this difficult period (which we ask God Almighty to remove , from all of us) will teach us that the nation belongs to all and true citizenship is really a beautiful thing that raises the value of the individual and society and increases it strength, and this period will teach us the value of coexistence, cooperation, solidarity, divulging the spirit of love and fraternity among peoples, and reject Controversy, wars and reject tension and aversion, and reconcile with God so that we can all go forward and together towards living in a clean, pure environment full of joys and delights, and live a happy, decent, and safe life.