(12) ترليون دولار خسائر قطاع المعادن العالمي جراء جائحة كورونا by محمد فتحي July 15, 2020 0 الخرطوم:afroshongir رسمت ورشة "دعم الاستثمار التعديني ما بعد جائحة كورونا صورة التي نظمتها المنظمة العربية للتنمية الصناعية والتعدين اليوم (... Read moreDetails
Innovation in social responsibility projects .. The kitchen of Charity Values as a model !! by محمد فتحي May 26, 2020 0 Khartoum: Aida Gessees I regretted a lot after I got acquainted with the arduous task he performed. In spite of... Read moreDetails
The Corona pandemic heals the wounds of the global ethical system! by محمد فتحي May 25, 2020 0 Al-Muiz Khalifa Sebair Despite all the fear and panic the world is witnessing, due to the human and human losses... Read moreDetails
Sarah Abu Sagra” … a story of a Sudanese genius at the Swedish University of Umeå !! by محمد فتحي May 25, 2020 0 Stockholm: Mohammad Fathi The past year was gathering to an end, when the scientific march of the Sudanese student Sarah... Read moreDetails
“135” billion dollars the size of artificial intelligence in the Saudi economy in 2030 by محمد فتحي May 21, 2020 0 Riyadh: afroshongir Specialists emphasized that artificial intelligence can add to the Saudi economy more than (135) billion dollars expected by... Read moreDetails
Al-Rajhi company launches a health aid convoy for the northern states – Sudan by محمد فتحي May 15, 2020 0 Khartoum: afroshongir Al-Rajhi Group of Companies and Investments has launched, within the social responsibility programs, a convoy of medical and... Read moreDetails
A session In Search of solutions and challenges confronting entrepreneurs in light of the Corona crisis by محمد فتحي May 14, 2020 0 Riyadh: afroshongir Participants in a dialogue session organized by Riyadh Chamber represented by the Communications and Information Committee ( Via... Read moreDetails
This is the size of the traditional gold mining in Sudan during the first quarter of the year by محمد فتحي May 14, 2020 0 Khartoum: afroshongir At a time when the Sudanese Prime Minister, Abdullah Hamdouk, issued a decision to establish a gold exchange,... Read moreDetails
18 billion dollars from the IMF to counter Corona in Several countries by محمد فتحي May 14, 2020 0 International Monetary Fund spokesman, Jerry Rice, revealed that the Fund agreed to requests for emergency assistance to tackle the Corona... Read moreDetails
“Lockdown Diaries” … Working Women in Sudan … A struggle for survival by محمد فتحي May 11, 2020 0 Khartoum: Aida Gissees She looked indifferent her mind seemed wandering away . She kept looking at the ground;... Read moreDetails